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Basic i*r*a (EcFcAu) |
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This is not a particularly uncommon derivative of the primitive EFA orientation, but is somewhat more common for males than for females. The primitive EFA is not only a charming and attractive person to others, but is very vulnerable to involvement and sensual stimulation. The ef*a [EuRcAu] has learned to be very selfishly sensual by repressing or over-controlling his capacity for empathy while still remaining a socially active person. The i*r*a, on the other hand, has developed empathy control and has also become mentally disciplined, self-sufficient, and an non-involving. Most primitive EFA individuals who become i*r* also become u*, in order to insulate or isolate themselves from social stimulation.
Obviously, the i*r*a adjustment is very tension-producing because, in effect, the i*r*a must constantly allow himself to be exposed to "temptation" without responding. In order to do this, he must become very complacent, find some sort of mental activity with which he can occupy his mind, and, at the same time, continue to perform his various roles. His complacency can be deceptive because fatigue, resulting from constant tensions, is very common; with fatigue comes impatience and a short temper. Thus, the i*f*a [EcRcAu] adjustment may be described as being "temperamental", characterized by extreme selfishness, irascibility, and episodic tantrum-like behavior.
This adjustment is most likely to occur in people who have been exposed, early in childhood, to a very rigid, intolerant environment in which punishment has been given for any display of emotional dependency or affect, but escape into an intellectual world was not allowed. The pattern is common in cultures where ruggedness, individuality, and group activity are at a premium, as in fishing, frontier, relatively primitive farming, and isolated communities. It is possible that the phenomenon of "running amok" may occur as a result of this adjustment. It may be quite common among tenant farmers in the southern United States. In any event, the i*r*a is characteristically stoic, Spartan, and tough.