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Basic i*ra* (EcRuUc) |
Back to Table of Contents Preface to the 64 Basic Types What this page is a part of. Interpretative Notes to the 64 Basic Types Read these before reading any of the types! |
This adjustment has much in common with the i*ra [EcRuAu] in that intellectual discipline, independent self-sufficiency, and self-centered orientation are characteristic. The i*ra* is a socially oriented person with considerable drive for achievement, prestige, and ambition. However, he has little need for, or interest in, being compassionate, understanding, or concerned with the needs and attitudes of others. In fact, most i*ra* individuals are inclined to be dominant, even domineering, authoritarian people who are very much concerned about their own rights, needs, and an privileges. They tend to be short tempered, impatient, and an are frequently quite brutal.
The concept of "every man for himself' applies, particularly to the i*ra*, who is very jealous of his possessions, his position, and his personal prestige.
Ordinarily, the i*ra* can master highly complex mechanical procedures. He can be an excellent engineer, draftsman, architect, or military technician. He can be an effective and an efficient businessman in situations where decisiveness, persistence, and an aggression are required. Since he is continuously on the alert for deception, deceit, and an dishonesty in others, it is difficult to fool or manipulate him. In spite of his wariness about others, he feels little guilt or shame in acting deceptively or even dishonestly, primarily because he can rationalize that anyone not smart enough to keep from being deceived deserves what he gets. Many clever racketeers, "con men", and bunco artists fall in this cluster.
The i*ra [EcRuAu] is relatively easy to hold in check by placing him under external control and discipline; the i*ra*, however, tends to be very resistant and defiant toward authority and actively moves to establish himself by moving into positions of leadership and holding his position by force, fear, and domination. This adjustment can include anything from the socially unproductive, sinister, brutal adolescent gang leader to the highly productive engineering straw boss, who can ruthlessly eliminate slackers from his crew and get a monumental amount of work done. The i*ra* is rarely loved, but he is universally feared and respected. A primary dynamic of the i*ra* is his defensiveness against personal and an emotional involvements. Tempting objects are met with definite rejection and hostility. The i*r*a*, [EcFcUc] who is somewhat similar, tends to be sharp and precise in rebuffing involving relationships; he has a sort of "go to hell" attitude that is clearly understood and obeyed. The i*ra*, because he is a primitive U, complicates his rejection by his tendency to punish the originator of the temptation as well as rebuffing the temptation, itself. Thus, the need to get even, seek revenge, and be vindictive is much more characteristic of the i*ra* than the i*fa. [EcFuAu] In addition, the i*ra* can "play" with an involvement. For example, if an emotional relationship meets the need of an i*ra, [EcRuAu] he can make it, later abandoning it at will; he knows that he can always make another relationship when he needs it. The i*ra*, on the other hand, has difficulty making emotional involvements; when he needs one, he tends to force it by aggression and domination. Once he has accomplished this, he becomes very possessive of the relationship and may be brutal and ruthless in maintaining it. Since relationships are always accompanied by wariness and suspicion, the i*ra* feels a constant need to threaten the object of involvement in order to reassure himself that he is not being fooled or duped. If he either discovers, or comes to believe, that his suspicions are correct, his reaction is violent, ruthless, and vindictive.
A primary vulnerability of the i*ra* is that since he is defensively suspicious, he is prone to believe negative information more readily than positive information. As a result, poison pen letters, rumors of disloyalty, and circumstantial evidence of disaffection or deception may not only destroy a relationship, but result in the severe punishment of those with whom the relationship had been established. The i*ra* pattern is fairly common among military leaders in underdeveloped countries, such as Korea, South America, and Africa.