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Basic e*r*a* (IcFcUc) |
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The e*r*a* adjustment is very tension producing because it is, in effect, the reaction formation of the primitive IFU orientation. The e*r*a* is an extremely active, external environment oriented, practical minded person who has learned a social role that he plays diligently. He is very defensive against intellectual activity, is physically rugged in his interests and attitudes, and is very much concerned with the social impression he makes. He will often be forthright and decisive in order to prove that he is individualistic. He often has only the most superficial sense of compassion and empathy, but since he has negative empathy in the sense that he denies these feelings, he will be quite sadistic in his relations with others. To some extent, the e*r*a* can be the most cruel and unfeeling of the basic adjustments.
There are many superficial similarities between the e*r*a [IcFcAu] and the er*a. [EuFcAu] Belligerency and social aggressiveness are found in both, but the er*a* [EuFcUc] has much more acceptance anxiety and fickleness. There is a consistency and an insulation of feeling in the e*r*a* that makes him a more disciplined, if not necessarily a more efficient person. The e*r*a* has much more of a cold, calculating quality than the er*a*. [EuFcUc] In general, the er*a* [EuFcUc] is essentially a sociopathic adjustment, which is usually quite nonproductive, while the e*r*a* is more goal-and task-oriented and can be quite productive, albeit unpleasant and self-centered. The e*r*a* is also less deceptive than the e*r*a. [IcFcAu] The ruthlessness and insensitivity of the e*r*a* are generally quite obvious to an observer, so he stands a good chance of being feared and avoided. While these qualities are present to some extent in the e*r*a, [IcFcAu] he can usually mask them by his role-playing ability. At the same time, the e*r*a [IcFcAu] is under pressure to make a variety of social adaptations, which are likely to confuse him and lead to feelings of conflict, while the e*r*a [IcFcAu] is more stereotyped; he can be what he is and makes no effort to improve his social versatility.
The primary problems of the e*r*a* stem from his inner tension and acquired rigidity in the emotional and social areas. Tension disorders, particularly ulcers, are not uncommon here. The e*r*a* is also prone to depression, but since apathy and withdrawal are very threatening to him, he will rarely expresses his depression by these means. Hostile aggression, explosive temper, and agitation are common manifestations of depression. Somatic symptoms of a conversion nature may also occur, with headaches being a common complaint. Under stress, the e*r*a* becomes stubborn, irascible, cynical, and sullen. He has a potential for explosive, even violent behavior when thwarted or denied. Nervous activity and the tendency toward constant motor activity are also characteristic. Athletes requiring a high degree of individual conditioning, such as boxer and wrestlers are not uncommon in this cluster. These individuals tend to be highly stereotyped, manifest extreme self-confidence, brutal aggressiveness, and social-interpersonal uniformity.