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Basic e*ra (IcRuAu) |
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This is the most deceptive compensation of the primitive IRA pattern because such an individual has disciplined or controlled his internalizing tendencies through repression but has made little or no change in either his R or A tendencies. The succor dependency characteristics of the basic IRA is not present in this adjustment; indeed, the e*ra has actively sought to become aware of and responsive to external stimuli. To a large extent the e*ra has denied his intellectual abilities and has worked to become practical, concrete, and experientially oriented.
Although the e*ra is very active physically, aggressive, and socially oriented, he does not have the perceptivity or "feel" of the era. [EuRuAu] He is usually an avid learner of physical skills and will spend much time on exercise and physical fitness. He can be extremely proficient in team sports where diagrams, plays, and teamwork are required, although he is not as good at this as the e*ra*. [IcRuUc] In general, he is responsive to most group activities in which direction and training can be applied. Usually, he is a fierce competitor and can be ruthless in learning to excel at most any physical activity he undertakes. Many professional golfers and football players will be found in this cluster.
The primary skill of the e*ra lies in his social role playing, for he is a group or crowd pleaser. He learns how to be very acceptable and pleasant socially, yet does not arouse the jealousy and irritation often directed toward the era. [EuRuAu] In particular, the primitive Externalizer often finds the e*ra a very interesting person and becomes strongly attached to him. The so-called "man's man" is most frequently found in the e*ra cluster. Many military men, particularly those who excel in tactics, may come from this adjustment pattern.
The e*ra individual is very self-reliant and independent. He does not have to prove his independence as does the i*ra, [EcRuAu] so is neither as negativistic nor as cruel. He can be unfeeling and insulated, but this is due more to lack of perceptivity than to denial of vulnerability. A primary characteristic of the e*ra is that he can be very self-centered without guilt or anxiety. In essence, he is an aggressive person who seeks his own way in a relatively non-threatening manner. He can be a warm and friendly person in superficial relationships because he relates to everyone without becoming involved with anyone; intimate relationships, however, he is surprisingly cold, detached, and non-involved.
The primary difference between the e*ra and the e*f*a [IcRcAu] is that the e*f*a [IcRcAu] has much more sense of social responsibility. The e*ra has almost no sense of social responsibility except as it relates to his own needs for independence. The e*ra is ruthless in political, social, and business relationships without being deliberately cruel. In the extreme, he can be a conscienceless, amoral person who truly believes his own ends can justify any means. Even at higher normal levels, the e*ra is surprisingly lacking in compassion, pity, and general social sensitivity. Some businessman, particularly those who can willfully exploit the weakness of others -- as, for example, stock manipulators, profiteers, and swindlers -- are in this cluster. Also found here are those political figures who use their social image to gain power and prestige that can be used for personal gain. Military figures, particularly mercenaries with little sense of loyalty or dedication except to their own skills, are also found here.
In general, the e*ra will be an avid collector of material things; money, cars, homes, and furnishings will all be important items. However, unlike the era [EuRuAu] or the efa, [EuFuAu] the e*ra will not get much personal or sensual pleasure from his acquisitions. The act of collecting and the state of ownership is more important than the esthetic value of the object. Compulsive eaters and sexual "athletes" may come from this cluster because the need to externalize is so great that they must be defensively active to avoid the guilt and panic of their potential autistic vulnerability. Generally speaking, the Freudian unconscious--the repressed I---is most marked in this adjustment.