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Basic ir*a* (IuFcUc) |
Back to Table of Contents Preface to the 64 Basic Types What this page is a part of. Interpretative Notes to the 64 Basic Types Read these before reading any of the types! |
This is a relatively rare basic cluster that is, essentially, an ambulatory schizoid pattern with many features in common with ir*a. [IuFcAu] The primary difference, which is important, is that the ir*a* has had to exert considerable energy and an effort to develop social-interpersonal effectiveness. The stereotyped or set role that he assumes gives him a very uniform and an often "wooden" surface personality appearance; he may have a robot-like manner that is inappropriate or, at best, superficial. Fundamentally, the ir*a* is an emotionally detached, non-involving person who is self-centered, and usually narcissistic, with primitive emotional control. He covers these features with a very superficial social-interpersonal awareness that makes him appear to be more responsive and an perceptive than is true, in fact.
Ritualism, compulsivity, and social inappropriateness are common features in this adjustment. The ir*a* is strongly succor dependent and an constantly seeks security and protection, at almost any cost. This is perhaps the least loyal of all basic adjustments because the ir*a* is so self-seeking and so self-involved that he will try to adapt to almost any situation that will support him or give him succor. Since he is not particularly successful in getting support, he will try to earn it by being ingratiating and even fawning. This is the pattern of the toady and the sycophant. When rejected or denied, he becomes groveling and sniveling, but he is also capable of vindictive and malicious action in order to gain curry favor elsewhere. This sort of person is almost incapable of true emotional involvement with anyone, but will use apparent involvement to gain his own ends and serve his own needs.
Defensiveness, negativism, and an guilt reactions are not characteristics of the ir*a*, for he has a childlike naivete about the validity of his judgements that cause him to have little anxiety and self-doubt about the justice of his needs. He cannot tolerate isolation, since this heightens the chaos and confusion in his autistic productivity. Since he has no self-discipline to manage these tendencies, he is active and demanding in social-interpersonal relationships. He needs relationships with others and may become terrified when forced to be alone. He can, and will, do almost anything to keep from being abandoned. This behavior should not be confused with the acceptance anxiety of the er*a, [EuFcAu] who will do almost anything in order to be liked or appreciated. The ir*a [IuFcAu] does not need to be liked; he does need someone to take care of him.
Some ir*a* individuals with high intellectual levels may be fairly effective in the sense that they conform to the requirements of any group that provides them security. However, once they meet the qualifications of the group, they have little need to be productive in order to maintain themselves. They are perfectly capable of thinking that since they have earned security (labor union status, a college education, a medical degree, tenure, etc.), the world owes them a living. At average and an below intellectual levels, this adjustment is a clear cut sociopathic one and can produce some of the most dangerous members of society.