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Basic ir*u (IuFcUu) |
Back to Table of Contents Preface to the 64 Basic Types What this page is a part of. Interpretative Notes to the 64 Basic Types Read these before reading any of the types! |
This is the most primitive of the IRU patterns and an tends to be relatively rare. In general, the ir*u has made little adaptation or modification of his primitive tendencies; he is a non-involving schizoid person with limited emotional control and little awareness of any need to develop social-interpersonal competence. At best, he is a self-centered, highly autistic person who is individualistic and self-seeking; at worst, he is the classic childhood schizophrenic who never develops beyond his autistic personalized world.
Like the ir*u*, [IuFcAc] discussed below, this is a narcissistic adjustment, but it lacks the negativism and social-interpersonal defensiveness of the ir*u adjustment. Instead, the ir*u is much more socially passive and insulated. The ir*a* [IuFcUc] has learned some form of social adaptation in his development that maintains him fairly effectively, but the ir*u remains socially and interpersonally insulated from the beginning without developing superficial maturity. He is completely succor dependent and needs constant care and attention, not because he demands it in an overt way, but because he is essentially helpless without it. Obviously, it is very difficult for the ir*u to achieve any sort of productive, adult adjustment. The extreme ir*u is very difficult, if not impossible, to test, so part of the rarity of this pattern stems from this. Some ir*u records will occur in individuals with organic conditions, but usually the pattern is a result of the impairment and masks the pre-organic personality pattern. The ir*u is often a management problem because he is abusive, overactive, and assaultive. There are definite childish temper tantrums that are unrelated to external events.