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Basic ira (IuRuAu) |
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This is the most primitive and most immature of the primitive IRA adjustments. Fundamentally, the ira is a self-sufficient, individualistic, and an often autistic person with little sense of social responsibility. However, he can learn by rote the social-interpersonal skills that give him a superficial appearance of maturity and social responsibility. Deceptiveness, then, is an important characteristic of this adjustment. Usually, the ira has marked succor dependency needs and can exist effectively only in an environment that provides firm guidance and control. The ira will adapt very well to almost any institutionalized setting, but will be chaotic and inoperative when forced to show independence and initiative.
Behaviorally, the ira is passive, bland, and detached. In most instances, it is easy to discern the schizoid nature of the adjustment.
The difference between the ira and the ira* [IuRuUc] is that the former appears more adaptable and mature; the ira* [IuRuUc] is interpreted as being odd or strange. The ira can be distinguished from the i*ra [EcRuAu] by the greater intensity of the latter. Intellectual level and sex are both important in determining the social suitability of the ira adjustment. Those with average intellectual levels are often quite productive because they tend to be obedient, non-involved followers. Paradoxically, this characteristic of obedience can be quite destructive since, placed in the wrong environment or under the wrong influence, the ira will be imitative of, and obedient to, the bad influence. This is usually even more pronounced in the ira* [IuRuUc] individual, since he is placed under such pressure to learn a social role that he may become unusually effective and often quite involved. Since the ira is interpreted, impressionistically, as being effective without being forced to prove it, he may have more shallowness and superficial pretense.
Bright ira individuals are often very deceptive and misleading. Superficially, they appear very alert and and competent, but they are usually shiftless, nomadic, and unreliable. Drug addiction, simple alcoholism, and psychopathic behavior are common in this group.
Among women, the ira adjustment may result in considerable attractiveness and superficial warmth. The ira female tends to be an involving and inviting person who becomes impassive, detached, and insulated when real intimacy is required. Courtesans, mistresses, and bar girls often come from this cluster. Shyness, coyness, and elfin-like qualities are often associated with this adjustment.
Generally speaking, this is a schizoid adjustment in which detachment, self-sufficiency, and personal isolation are characteristic. Many ambulatory schizophrenics are found in this cluster. A primary feature is the low threshold for emotionality. In the primitive I, emotionality usually takes the form of marked internal moodiness. The era [EuRuAu] is inclined to act out his emotions, while the ira will internalize his. In effect, the ira is overactive when not under stress and apathetic when under stress. Temper tantrums, which are often unexpected and inappropriate, often occur. Epileptoid-like fugue states in which the individual perseveres simple normal type behavior, with accompanying amnesia, and catatonic-like episodes are not uncommon. Inappropriate behavior will occur with more frequency in the ira*, [IuRuUc] however. Usually, the ira can cover his autism with what is more apt to be called "mechanical behavior" than to display the specific inappropriate behavior seen in the ira*. [IuRuUc]