Convergent era Cluster
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Preface to the 64 Basic Types   What this page is a part of.
Interpretative Notes to the 64 Basic Types   Read these before reading any of the types!

Regardless of the differences among the individuals with the b(era) adjustment, there are certain similarities in that all may be described as being externally involving, socially adept, and non-empathic. These people are behaviorally active, readily interacting and become involved with the people and events of their external world, and are dependent upon these activities for psychological satisfaction. As a result, b(era) individuals dislike, and are threatened by, any situation involving limitation of movement, social isolation, and sensory deprivation. Because they have relatively poor verbal memory, a limited attention span, and are prone to have mental inferiority feelings, they prefer manual­manipulative tasks to mental activity. Although people in this cluster have considerable skill in social-interpersonal relations, they tend to be self-centered, unfeeling, non-empathic, or even cruel. For the most part, members of this cluster are labile in affect, prone to showing their immediate emotional experiences, they rarely maintain any specific feeling for a long period time. Thus, they can be described as impulsive and fickle.