The "Fc" Basic Adjustments

Like the "Rc" adaptations, the compensated flexible orientations, symbolized as [r*=Fc] and [r*+=Fc+], are based on repression. They, too, are maintained at the cost of considerable energy, and engender great tension. Here again, the individual has acquired an inaccurate and even delusional picture of himself, which he upholds by denying the true nature of his primitive responsiveness.

The individual who has acquired an "Fc" state of adjustment makes every attempt to perceive, respond, and experience as an "R." However, because he has built up his "R" self-concept through his inherent "F" talents, the result will inevitably include some aspects of his primitive tendency. He will bitterly deny his own "F-ness," and will also attack it in others. He has not, however, succeeded in replacing it.

The [r*+=Fc+] is a strongly repressed primitive "F." He is chronically tense, expending his energies in constant denial of the "F" awareness, which presses for expression at unconscious levels. The [r*+=Fc+] is virulent in his attacks on "F" behavior in others, just as he is bitterly opposed to "F" experiences in himself. He will also carefully guard himself from exhibiting any kind of behavior which might betray his correct "F-ness."

The "Fc" adjustments are not only acutely defensive, but are also extremely sadistic. Unlike the [r=Ru] adjustments, in which the individual is primarily unfeeling, the compensated "F" is quite aware of the needs of others. In consequence, he can become exceptionally upsetting to them. Attuned to their vulnerable areas because of his primitive "F" sensitivity, and prone to hostility because of his own defensiveness, his assaults can be singularly effective. The externalized [r*=Fc] will tend to express his sadistic tendencies by becoming physically or sensually rejecting and punitive. The internalized [r*=Fc] will rely on more intellectual forms of cruelty.

The theory maintains that the [r*+=Fc+] adjustments are rarely found. They are thought to be more commonly seen in Externalizers, making for a combination which is regarded as potentially dangerous. Under stress, an externalized [r*+=Fc+] may become extremely explosive, and is likely to act out his irrational impulses to the extent of possible murder or suicide. Theoretically, the [r*+=Fc+] adjustment is equally possible among Internalizers. However, in such individuals, the most likely manifestation of the [r*+=Fc+] state is thought to be a catatonic type of adjustment, so that such individuals, by definition, would be largely unavailable for study. They are, however, theoretically considered to represent an extremely hostile and negativistic adaptation.

The [r*=Fc] adjustment, too, is characteristically sadistic at times, but does not engage in cruelty either as extensively or as intensively as does the [r*+=Fc+]. In manner, an [r*=Fc] tends to be irritable, brusque, and independent. He generally betrays his tension behaviorally, especially if he is an Externalizer, in which case his sensory and motor strain will be quite apparent. If he is internalized, the tension is more likely to be directed inwardly, perhaps in the form of visceral strain.

An [r*=Fc] will often direct his interests and activities toward difficult and even dangerous undertakings. He can utilize such situations as outlets for his tension, and as socially Role Adaptive settings in which to act out some of his conflicts. He is, in fact, likely to perform extremely well under such conditions, a characteristic which, if suitably controlled, is one of the advantages inherent in his orientation.