Gittinger Seminar Notes - All Lectures
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Lecture 2 - R/F
R/F initial response state. 9a
Difficult to describe without R being negative. 9a
R learns without understanding. 9b
R focus vs. F awareness/confusion. 9c
IF most "autistic". 9d
F naturally feels inferior. 9d
R must be trained to be cautious. 9d
IF vs EF sensuality - self vs. outside. 9e
R sensuality - perseverate. 9e
ER selfishness - demand to have reciprocal relating. 9h
ER disrupter in 1st grade. 9h
IR 1st grade easily taught. 9i
EF hyperactive, IF autistic. 9j
ER crying drunk. 9l
IR crying drunk on the inside. 9l
ER and IR drunk drivers. 9l 9m 9n
Lecture 3 - R/F
EF cry easily. 19
ER girl tomboy. 19
EF boy has to overcome "sissy". 19
R cruelty due to unawareness. 19
R humanitarian. 19
IR minister and ER military / police. 20
F sadistic to suppress being unfeeling in feeling way. 20
R casualty of progressive learning systems. 20
F casualty of rote learning systems. 21
Good athletes, musicians R, but greats F. 22
Theodore IF learned to be ER. 22
IF least aware of external environment - so aware of internal. 22
Truman Capote IFU writer. 22
IFU non-participant observer. 22
ER non-participant observer. 23
IF exhibitionist. 23
IR oppose IF exhibitionism. 24
ER oppose EF voyeurism. 24
R girl and femininity. 24a
R tomboy. 24c
R humanitarian. 24d 24e
Cruel vs sadistic. 24e 24f
R vs F training: rote vs. understanding. 24f 24g
R and F and educational systems. 24h 24i
Theodore Roosevelt IF. 24j 24k
IF: Francis Parkman, Henry Melville, Richard Dana. 24k
EF vicarious. 24l 24m
IF exhibitionist. 24m
Lecture 4 - A-U
A/U more a catalyst than dynamic. 25
A/U how others perceive than the person perceives themselves. 25
U might have parents etc. work harder at influencing. 26
EFU under more pressure to do something about EF than EFA. 26
IFU pressure to change. IFA "doll babies". 27
EFU difficult in behavioral sense. IFU difficult due to lack of response. 28
IFU (and IRU) hard to motivate, but when do are effective in learning social behavior. 28
Example of IRU in Chinese culture. 28
IRU conform to pattern, ERU negativistic to pattern. 29
ER perseverates in denseness. 30
U anxious about being misunderstood. 31
IRU doctor. 31
ERU doctor. 32
Lyndon Johnson ERU. 32
John Kennedy IFA. 33
A reports happy childhood. 33
IA hidden loss of contact (dementia praecox) hidden till puberty. 34
A problem of expectations. 34
EA more likely to react against A than IA. 35
ERU strong need for praise/recognition, ERA suspicious of it. 36
Lecture 5 - EuRuAu : EuRuAc : EuRcAu
EuRuAu exploits social suggestibility - masks immaturity. 41
EuRuAu masks immaturity by social facility, but not in their control. 42
EuRuAu does well in structure (example, Merchant Marine; example, in prison, but not out). 42 43
EuRuAc aggressively resistant and hostile against social behavior. 43
EuRuAu can be psychopath (selfish), EuRuAc sociopath (unpleasant) 43 44
EuRuAc can be effective recluse. 44
IuRuAc cannot maintain hermit. 44
EuRuAc "mountain men". 44
EuRuAc resists authority. EuRuAu responds well to authority. 44
Rc live in accordance with principles. 45
EuRcAu growing up Catholic. 45
Rc develops conscience. 45
EuRcAu if a crook, a "code bound" crook. 46
EuRcAu very loyal followers. 46
EuRcAu prejudiced. 46
Lecture 6 - Eight Primitive Types in basic era
ERA Summary. 48
ERA can retain ER parts due to A - being ER in socially acceptable way. 49
Basic level comes at adolescence. 49
era deceptive type because Au looks like it is not EuRu. 50
All era basic level have common traits but some not common. 50
era* can remain EuRu with Uc (a*) social adjustment. 51
era gets along better with strangers than people they know - thus called "fickle". 52
Fickle meaning relate to needs of others effectively but without emotional loyalty. 52
Example of job hoping fickle EuRuAu. 52
Not many career sargents (military) era, but some era*. 53
era: fickle. era*: stereotype, loyalty, defined support figures. er*a: tough. 53
era* tough because unfeeling. er*a tough because he is feeling. 53
era* insensitive. er*a mean, even sadistic. 54
er*a draw people to relationship, then break off brutally. 54
er*a rapist. 54
er*a* mean, plays role in mean way. 55
e*ra more active than era. 55
e*ra in love with no one, all superficial relationships. 56
e*ra* maintains role in selfish way. Forester, tailor. 57
era* Marine drill sargent. 57
e*ra* aircraft mechanic, not drill sargent, insensitive, irascible, stereotyped. 57
e*r*a very tough in unfeeling way, very aware, not realistic. 58
e*r*a generalized hostility whereas er*a hostile (sadistic) specific. 58
e*r*a* stereotyped hostility, maybe delusional. 59
e*r*a* stylized unfeelingness, nastiest of era basics. 59
All ERA adjustments become unexpectedly hostile. 59
In ERA adjustments, A (or a*) makes it look like more control than there is. 59
ERU adjustments across the board less aggressive and more hostile. 59
e*r*u most intensely generalized hostile. 59
eru basic most unpleasant of all. 60
era fickle. eru* selfish, demanding.
Lecture 7 - Expressed, Suppressed, Repressed Adjustments
I has feelings, but does not show them. Stronger the feelings, the less responsive. 61
I under pressure to show feelings, appropriate feelings. 61
As adult, if has control of feelings, under stress does not allow feelings to interfere with effectiveness in relationships. 61
E "act-out". I "act-in". 61 62
Expressed initial response state - stays like initial state. 62
Expressed dependent on external help to not be totally expressive of initial response state. 62
Repressed - guilty about initial response state. 63
Iu expressed, uncontrolled Iuu actively autistic without much control over the tendency. 63
Iuc awareness of felt need to not be to internalized. Depends upon external support to keep active. 63
Iuc+ interested in the party - structured relationship. 64
Iuc+ want people around all the time. Likely insomnia. 64
Iuc+ insomniac will get up and wander around or find bar. 64
Ic is suppressed I activities. 64
Suppressed and disciplined I means using ideational activity in effective ways. 65
Repression - I develops technique to control I by self-control. 65
Icu inhibiting I but no really effectively using it. 65
Ic+u+ catatonic - frozen repressing I with no kind of utilization. 66
Icc+ suppresses I but uses it intellectually. 66
Iuc+ socially oriented, Icc+ very intellectually oriented. 66
Euu uncontrolled expressed E - overreacts to all stimuli in the environment. 66
Euc aware of over-responsiveness - shame or anxiety about being Eu so works out control. 67
Euc+ over controls - any activity than be non-responsive, non-relating. 67
Euc+ protective of relationships in order to avoid showing feeling. 67
Ic can relate with little tension; Ec always over controlled. 67
Ec+ highly defensive - defensive person characteristic of Ec+ repression. 68
Ec+u no particular utilization of emotionality and intensity - highly inhibited. 68
Ic can work in noisy room being interested in what he is doing. Ec cannot completely cut out noise so will be fatigued. 68
Ic in noisy hotel room - pull drapes and "to hell with it." Ec angry at hotel manager and wants new room. 69
Ec+ "nothing bothers me" - but repressed but not aware they still respond - this is what "repression" means. 69
E-children wet bed - during day tense trying to be controlled - relax at night. 69