Gittinger Seminar Notes - Lecture 12
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Lecture 12 - Arithmetic and Information (I Adjustments)
Carelessness on arithmetic for high digit span is significant - not paying attention. 140
Low arithmetic in I: possible autistic direction. 141
In E, high arithmetic either: defending against E or exploring internalized or intellectual discipline. 141
Ec "competes" with examiner: 141
Ec will ostentatiously make certain gets right change in restaurant. 142
Eu more likely in restaurant to let machine to change. 142
Arithmetic most threatening to E, Eu will be nervous, anxious, upset. 143
Healthy Iu blandly says "I'm no good at arithmetic". 143
Healthy Iu doesn't really try on hard ones on arithmetic. 143
Ec+ represses E to be I. Ic+ represses I to be E. 144
Ec+ more likely than Ic+ to be defensive, resistant, reactive against distractions. 144
On Information E knows he has heard of it, but can't pull answer. 145
E most likely to miss pints/quarts. 145
E most likely to mix up Washington/Lincoln birthday (in old days). 145
Iuu has not organized internalized, ideational activity in relevant way. 146
Some Iu+u+ would not be in contact enough to test. 147
Often see Iuu as a secretary, usually Rc (or Rc+). 147
Iuu secretary often very fast typist. 147$a
Iuu R secretary (or office work) finds change in routine and procedure threatening. 148
Also found Iuu in telephone assembly plant. 148
Music added to Western Electric assembly: Iuu stayed in contact and improved. Ec and Eu could lose efficiency. 149
Iuc more manifestation of security aspects than Ic. 150
Iu security aspects show because have not developed internalized self-discipline. 150
Iuu may stay in contact by music in distance. Iuc engaged in activity with people doing something. 150
Iuu typist can use ritual of typewriter to be effective. Iuc needs something going on around them. 150
Iuc can be called "good listener" by those around them. 151
Iuc "gregarious". 151
Definition of E involving: expect a reciprocal involvement. 151
E not "gregarious" - has hard time relating to everyone in a room. 152
Chinese culture gregarious, not involving. 152
Euc likely to get too involved in one person. 153
Euc may be afraid to get involved at all due to fear of too involved with one person. 153
Iuc works hard for one-to-one relationship. Euc work hard to avoid none-tone relationship. 153
Euc waits to get married but intense one-to-one. 154
Iuc more likely married early and often - quick involvements but with little guilt. 154
Iuc maintain relationship with things that give satisfaction. 154
Iuc often makes succor relationship with organization - may be more meaningful than marriage. 154
Euc if likes boss may want to move if boss moves. 155
Euc trouble at home affects work. 155
Iuc may use work to escape trouble at home. 155