Natural for A to do better on PC like E on Comprehension and I on
Information. 244
High PC U will drag up Picture Arrangement. 245
Low PC A will drag down Picture Arrangement. 245
Subject who gets PA but slow so only a little below NL. Look at PC. 245
PC 2 or 3 above NL, but lowish PA is a Uc. 246
PC below PA and PA just a couple below NL, this is indication of
initial A. 246
PC has low ceiling in original WB (higher in WB/G and WAIS). 247
Problems with PC and adding items in WAIS. 247
U makes errors of missing things on PC. 247 248
In a sense U is careless, but really not careless, but tends to focus
on one thing and not something else. 249 250
Have tried to time PC thinking a U would take longer. A likely to see
rapidly. 250
Low PC, whether U or A in a send kind of withdrawal, keeping
environment at a distance. 251
Low PC can withdraw and look out of himself. 251
Low PC who withdraws but relates using intellectual content has
high Information. 252
Low PC / High I - withdraws in order to think. 252
Low PC / High I housewife might watch soap operas - identification. 252
Higher cultural level Low PC / High I might go to plays or movies. 252
Low PC / High I regarding soap opera/play/movies - gets satisfaction - a way to withdraw but stay in contact, 253
Low PC / Low I is withdrawing in an unsatisfactory or inhibited way. 253
Low PC / Low I inhibited because they are not doing anything with
their withdrawing. 253
Low PC / Low I withdraw is not autistic, might be doing other things. 253
An I with high Arithmetic (but low PC, low I) is not utilizing
internalized activity - prone to a hysteric adjustment (sudden
outbursts and mood swings). 254
Classical hysteric likely Icu, low PC (especially Acu). 254
E has to learn to be ideational - has to learn it in an appropriate way.
I does not have to learn to be ideational - so has to learn what is
appropriate. 254 255
E must learn to be appropriately perceptual. 255
Information one of best indicators of whether I has learned to be
ideationally appropriate. 256
Information says if E has learned to be ideational. 256
Comprehension says if E has learned to be perceptually appropriate. 256
I with very high C is working too hard to be perceptual. 256
Very high Information in an E - person is working too hard to be
ideational. 256
PC says if can do these changes (high I or high C) in a
relatively appropriately way. 256
Higher PC goes, the more the person is tensely involved in all the
time being very alert and very aware. 257
Very high PC inclined to have an element of suspiciousness. 257
Very high PC, especially if U, constantly aware and afraid he is going
to miss something. 257
Add R to a U and very high PC and the person has a lot of experience in
missing things. 257
R, U, high PC always a feeling somebody is doing something behind
their back. 258
R and U sensitive to teasing. 259
R and U causes them to be a person people tease because it gets a
reaction. 259
One way the person easily teased can adjust is high PC - become aware
and not taken in. 259
Uc can have "chip on the shoulder" (not going to be taken in). 260
Ec Rc Uc: quite defensive, suspicious as a nature, cannot allow himself to
be too perceptual, but has to be aware of everything around him. 260
Ec Rc Uu: different - a kind of indifference - don't care if you tease
him. 260
Ec Rc Uu like Ec Rc Uc engage in ideationally appropriate
activity, but not as likely to have anxiety and awareness of relationships
with people around them. 260 261
Uc learned a role by being aware, learning exactly what person is
supposed to do and not do in a perseverating, intense way. 261
Uu refuses to play any role at all. 261
Uu has a kind of negativism and stubbornness - not interested in playing
any role because he cannot. 261
Uu anxious about being effective in relationships. 261 262
Uu a bit more comfortable in sense of not being suspicious or alert. 262
Uc plays a role to the hilt; Uu plays no role at all. 262
Uuc like Iuc/Euc of being aware of Iu/Eu and need to change. 262
Uuc anxiously engaged in not being too stubborn, negativistic, or
too worried about role. 262
Uuc over-activity - anxiously engaged in trying to play a role but
uncomfortable with it. 263
Uuc low threshold for humiliation (plays role he is supposed to and
then aware inappropriate). 263
Uc has overcome tendency to be humiliated. 263
Uu can act out against the humiliator. 263
Uuc can react by becoming gauche - when someone says that, he
withdraws. 264
Uc might be gauche all the time and you can't change him. 264
Ucu very comfortable with role and you cannot rattle him about what
he is doing. 264
Ucc healthier adjustment than Ucu - person careful to not go too
far in his role. 264
Ucc might know they are gauche and wants to be appropriate but does
not worry about it. 264
Thus Ucc comfortable with role but not overconfident. 265
Ucc confident but cautious. 265
Ucu might not be unpleasant - might develop a pleasant role. 265
Ucu doctor might be effective with patients but wife and children
sick of him being the same in close relationships. 265
If you make the doctor Ucc, kids will say he is pompous but tries
once in a while - Ucc has need to be appropriate with kids. 265