Originally WB-1 developers regarded vocabulary as most reliable estimate of intelligence. Gittinger doubts this especially with foreign subjects. 351
PAS completely eliminates vocabulary from the formulation. 351
PAS has to find a way to get IQ - or a person's potential. 351 352
Normal Level is Gittinger's preferred term - a person's general potential. 352
Think in PAS dynamic terms - there are several kinds of intelligence. 352
Most in US or Europe associate intelligence with ideational capacity or knowledge, yet we know there is a difference in "smart" and "shrewd". 352
Tichner separated ideational and perceptual responses - in a crude way a bright perceptualizer is really a PAS E. 353
Wechsler divides into verbal and performance IQ - some subtests are
ideational in nature and some perceptual. 353
A person doing well on one of the three primitives (DS, BD, PA) is likely
to be a function of his general intellectual potential. 354
IRA overachieve on WAIS and EFU underachieve because of the way 3 tests
score as primitives. 355
New users of the PAS tend to make too much of the exactness of NL. 356
Clusters of NL can represent pretty much equivalent IQ but with different
degrees of over or under achieving on the test. 356 357
NL very high (above 14) and low (below 9) makes the PAS interpretation
more challenging and requires more experience and clinical judgement. 359
EF in the 12, 13, 14 range when encountering ideational tasks say "I can't do it" or "I don't believe in the test." They know they will underachieve. 360
MENSA made up of mostly E's who are proud they have been able to beat the test. 360
Occasionally an IR or EF (very high IQ) MENSA person. 360
ER joins MENSA to show how smart they are by going through the
discipline of learning intellectual tasks. 361
IR more likely to join a health club to show how well they have
disciplined and developed their perceptualization. 361
Hardly a healthy IR or IF, and especially IF, who are not preoccupied with developing visual-motor mechanical skill. 361
IF likely to be nuts about tennis or handball or squash. 361
When Latin was still taught a lot, ER and EF took Latin - it was a kind
of mental calisthenic. 362
With an Ic-Iu relationship, Ic is so responsible that the Iu is never placed under pressure. 362
Uc responsible for a U will work hard at developing the appropriateness of the U. 362 363