ERA in American culture is relating, responsive, conforming and
getting along well - all expected in culture. 387
But ERA might not be under much pressure to make some modification. 387
Yet an ERA in American culture might not learn to, for example,
control E the way society demands. 387
ERA in an ERA culture may not be a well adjusted adult at all. 388
Self-sufficiency and ritualization more typical of Chinese culture
than American. 388
Chinese culture "dynamic" in a more ritualized way than an ER culture. 389
Americans tend to see Chinese as xenophobic because they are I and U. 389
American supposed to be "nice" to everyone. Chinese supposed to be
"proper" to everyone. 389
Japanese (IRA) can move a little more in being nice to everyone. 389
American being "nice to everyone" - you are supposed to mean it. 390
Japanese being nice can be "A" deceptive. Chinese U culture is never
nice to you just for the peace of being nice. 390
Both Chinese and Japanese cultures are IR - self-sufficient, sense of
responsibility, organized, ritualized, proceduralized - to an outsider
everything is in its place. 390 391
IR cultures responsibility is more group responsibility. 391
SE Asia IF cultures sense of responsibility more to meet own needs. 391
IFA cultures (Vietnam, Philippines) don't have group cohesion of IR
societies. 391
IFA cultures can be deceptive - be nice to get what they want. 391
Self-centered has personalized characteristic, xenophobic more
racial connotation. 392
Thailand IF culture organized in IR way. Similar to Indonesia. 392
When Philippines were under American control - IF society under ER control. 392
Japanese (A culture) will be western in business, restaurant in "new"
Japan but at home dress and eat traditional. 393
Chinese are oriental all the time.
Philippines is hard to describe - American overlay and looks American
but is very un-American. 394
Vietnam before the US war had French influence but it was
an overlay - a French facade - an IFA culture. 394
Hong Kong was not an overlay - British element and Chinese element and
they did not meet. 394
(Not PAS related) In 1950's, most amalgamated American Chinese
community was Hawaii and most traditional was NYC. 395
San Francisco Chinese community more like NYC than Hawaii. 396
IFU society tends to not respond at all. 396
IFU (Indian, African, South American aboriginal) non-communicative
except to those who grew up in it. 396
IFU most opposite from US ERA. 396
Italy, Greece and France EFA societies. 396 397
EFA society very expressive, value of good food, talking with hands. 397
Greece is EF but run by ER (1980s). 397
Arab societies EFU - xenophobic and maintain culture like Chinese,
but not organized like Chinese. 397
EFU Arab societies highly emotional with negativistic quality. 397
EFA Italian arguing in marketplace can get angry in a way that does not
upset you, EFU Arab becomes nasty to get his way. 398
In US ERA culture, others must adapt or "earn" right to act as their
profile - e.g. IRU professor earn right to be absent minded. 398
In US example, non ERA people have to have a rational for non-ERA
behavior. 398
"Nice" for Americans: friendly. Japanese: courteous. SE Asia: narcissistic. 399
ER society we earn our security. 399
IR society security comes from group membership - accepted by doing
what group expects. 399
Example if IR being in group makes secure: Japan - once in
competitive Junior High for example, assured you will get through. 400
I security in Japan: when have people who don't do anything in
their job, occasionally someone tried to fire them but can't: they
are part of the group. 401
In US an organization like the old railroad unions developed I-security. 400
In I security world, hire who will do what they are told. Thus
nepotism, illegal in US in places, is endemic in I security like Japan. 401
British society is also ERA like US, but Ec+. Over controlled emotion. 401
US society is more Ec - controlled but not over controlled. 401
British is Ac - leads to paternalism - take care of those who cannot. 402
Ac paternalism not xenophobic like German or Soviet ERU. 402
British and American and Chinese take their societies with them. 402
British A for example, Hong Kong, ran it the way they wanted but with
sense of responsibility for Chinese to make them behave as they should. 403
British proselytizers. 403
Discuss British/American competitiveness and class/classless society. 403
British stereotype Ec+ Rc Uc - A culture but Uc base - conventionalized. 404
A connations (e.g. Ucu) tendency or need to interact and response on a one-to-one basis. 404
E society much more in terms of how you deal with individuals. 404
Chinese or Japanese (I) one-to-one relationships are highly stylized. 404
Soviet U culture: facade is suspicious of everyone but underneat is a great deal of emotionality - when drunk sing and get open. Not so in British culture. 405
British convention: Get drunk in pub and intefere with anyone. Don't get drunk at someone's house unless close friend. 405
British would not do the American thing of businessmen at a conventional all going out and hooping and hollering drunk. 405
Even though Hawaii so mixed, Chinese don't intermarry. 407
While lots changes, American ERA of 1800 is essentially same in many ways as in 1975. 408
IRU society people do what they are supposed to in a lethargic way. 409
Thus IRU society has fantastic capacity to adapt to any kind of regime. 409
CCP trying to get people to buy into convention to avoid "something better" come along and get IRU to follow. 410