Gittinger Seminar Notes - Lecture 4
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Lecture 4 - A-U
A/U more a catalyst than dynamic. 25
A/U how others perceive than the person perceives themselves. 25
U might have parents etc. work harder at influencing. 26
EFU under more pressure to do something about EF than EFA. 26
IFU pressure to change. IFA "doll babies". 27
EFU difficult in behavioral sense. IFU difficult due to lack of response. 28
IFU (and IRU) hard to motivate, but when do are effective in learning social behavior. 28
Example of IRU in Chinese culture. 28
IRU conform to pattern, ERU negativistic to pattern. 29
ER perseverates in denseness. 30
U anxious about being misunderstood. 31
IRU doctor. 31
ERU doctor. 32
Lyndon Johnson ERU. 32
John Kennedy IFA. 33
A reports happy childhood. 33
IA hidden loss of contact (dementia praecox) hidden till puberty. 34
A problem of expectations. 34
EA more likely to react against A than IA. 35
ERU strong need for praise/recognition, ERA suspicious of it. 36