Gittinger Seminar Notes - Lecture 6
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Lecture 6 - Eight Primitive Types in basic era
ERA Summary. 48
ERA can retain ER parts due to A - being ER in socially acceptable way. 49
Basic level comes at adolescence. 49
era deceptive type because Au looks like it is not EuRu. 50
All era basic level have common traits but some not common. 50
era* can remain EuRu with Uc (a*) social adjustment. 51
era gets along better with strangers than people they know - thus called "fickle". 52
Fickle meaning relate to needs of others effectively but without emotional loyalty. 52
Example of job hoping fickle EuRuAu. 52
Not many career sargents (military) era, but some era*. 53
era: fickle. era*: stereotype, loyalty, defined support figures. er*a: tough. 53
era* tough because unfeeling. er*a tough because he is feeling. 53
era* insensitive. er*a mean, even sadistic. 54
er*a draw people to relationship, then break off brutally. 54
er*a rapist. 54
er*a* mean, plays role in mean way. 55
e*ra more active than era. 55
e*ra in love with no one, all superficial relationships. 56
e*ra* maintains role in selfish way. Forester, tailor. 57
era* Marine drill sargent. 57
e*ra* aircraft mechanic, not drill sargent, insensitive, irascible, stereotyped. 57
e*r*a very tough in unfeeling way, very aware, not realistic. 58
e*r*a generalized hostility whereas er*a hostile (sadistic) specific. 58
e*r*a* stereotyped hostility, maybe delusional. 59
e*r*a* stylized unfeelingness, nastiest of era basics. 59
All ERA adjustments become unexpectedly hostile. 59
In ERA adjustments, A (or a*) makes it look like more control than there is. 59
ERU adjustments across the board less aggressive and more hostile. 59
e*r*u most intensely generalized hostile. 59
eru basic most unpleasant of all. 60
era fickle. eru* selfish, demanding.