PAS Seminar Session 11 - Interpreting the "o" Part 3 |
pasc11-01-3 Social dimension "o" more common than other two. Case: 12(Ioc Roc Aoc)M In this dimension surface modifies the basic. Person can recognize social cues and gets attention from being how people want them to be. Flexible in social situations but dependent. Our culture demands some of each A and U (social behavior and achievement) Lots of ways to express social dimension behavior - very fluid So "o" adjustment: Au - Utilizes social versatility. Comfortable - gets strokes by being socially attractive. Ac - blinders on. Like Fc in not paying attention. Maybe they'll leave me alone to achieve. Can be hostile to socially conforming kinds of people. Ao- compared to Au has more achievement orientation. But ambivalence about it. Common among college students - how hard to work vs. social life. Another view: Maybe I've got enough achievement May be socially appropriate in iconoclastic sort of way Uu - achievement oriented. I don't need to pay attention to what people expect. Avoid putting foot in mouth by being good at what I do. Uc - achiever understands you have to be social some times. Learned a degree of social versatility. Usually within areas of achievement. High PC, low PA (low role versatility), but knows when to keep mouth shut. Some social control about when and where. Narrower range of A behavior. Uo - anxious about "take me as I am" - know need to be careful but not really ready to learn needed social roles to keep out of trouble. In a young individual might be an incomplete compensation. Or might be "some of the time I pay attention to cues and some of the time I don't". Care in some situations and don't care in others. Can be circumstances where Ao and Uo work well. Less so for Iou or Eou or Rou Ao and Uo are less likely to be transitory and be permanent. Ambivalence may just stay there. But can still go either way. What about surface - only surface "o" in 80G. Note: in NL2001, all of them have "o". Elephant is interesting- pieces are put out correctly. Surface is social anxiety - anxiety about the basic adjustment. Au = a Ao = u*- Ac = u* Uu = u Uo = a*- Uc = a* Auo - do I want to stay exploitative or not? Auo cannot decide - not as exploitative as Auu but not as comforting as Auc Aoo - Can't decide if more U (Aou) - very ambivalent But this ambivalence is not terribly debilitating in our culture. Some areas where social adjustments not that important. E.g.high NL people who have not decided how hard to work to use NL With low NL, cannot figure out what options are open to them. In mid-range NL - Aoo (or Uoo) is just a lot of ambivalence Uuo - Deciding to to be Uuc (most common) - Uuc plays social role but very narrow and know that cannot succeed. Uuc avoids situations where uncomfortable. Uuu is non-social. Social isolates. Uuo - not sure. Not sure if want to give up social interaction because I make a fool of myself. Depends on other dimensions. Is this an intuitive F? Uoo cannot decide whether to sit on fence, fall of,or hop over and back. Uco- Ucu no much social anxiety -pretty sure perception of things is right. Can be preachy. F's more caring. Ucc is more cautious- not so sure. More controlled and thus more versatile. Uco - more like Ucc - not as sure about roles as Ucu. "o" on A/U is not necessarily incomplete - might just be ambivalent. Summary: "o" can be incomplete adjustment or ambivalent adjustment. In cases, need to understand circumstances. -------------------------------- Real case: 20 year old male college student in sophomore year. Not doing well - saw Bob cause did not know what he wanted to do - was kind of depressed. 14(I+ou Rcu A-co) M Goo Primitive I+RA- + and - give you stress and emphasis. Basic: e*- f* u* Surface: i° f\ a°- So interpreting "o" on I- where did it come from: I+ so an o is more of a compensation than if coming from an I-. So some intellectual ambivalence - emphasize learned E or my I. (Information score 12 so just barely u)