PAS Seminar
Session 15 - More cases Part 2 - Complete case and contrast to a hypothetical one.

18 year old male college freshman real case

13(Ioc Foc Aoo) H

In a homosexual panic of his own.
IFA male - mother librarian got him reading
Father salesman

Proved his masculinity in sports - but in a crisis cause not good enough
to play in college.

Had to lower social outbursts that were appropriate as an athlete

Father called: 
Drove off wildly till ran out of gas.
Other time: Talked to step mother in strange ways.

Bob recommended psychiatrist - see if medication.
  Took him to an outpatient mental health clinic.
  Referred to a GP for tranquilizers (bad clinic!)

Don't know what happened to him

Perhaps "rape" was something happened when on coke/drunk and only way he
  could process it was that he was raped.

Has had girlfriends. Talked about sexually active with girls.
  Probably not emotionally satisfying

High "I" and high "C" - but if take away, nothing going for him
  to deal with the world.

Now what happens if just change this formula a little bit:

13(Ioc Fuc Uuc)

Original IFA "doll baby" - get people to admire, take care of me, and go away
  John says best adjustment for IFA is Iu Fu Au - exploits IFA
  If Iuc Fuc Auc becomes functional IFA 

Depressed "S" takes away some of the strengths of F

Change to IFU:
  Gets left alone. IRU perseverates and parents put on pressure to move on.
  IFU does not perseverate - experiments more - ideational.
    Easy to leave alone - does different things
    Reads people (F) a bit. 
  Io - not much intellectual pressure
  Fu - exploits F 
  Uu - achievement orientation - few social demands.
  Would be unusual family in our culture - only pressure was get some
      Can be humorous - march to a different drummer.
      Energy is not going to be spent reacting to other's social expectations

  Ioc (e\)  Fuc (r') Uuc (a') H (too much time in head)

  First case: knows social standards but can't decide what to do with them;
  Second case: Forget about social standards

  H - inside head could be a little wild. Could research crackpot ideas and
   do them.

Question on original case: 
  effect of tranquilizer: More suicide potential - hard to figure out what
    drug might be best.
  IF thinking in free floating emotional speculative way - thus disturbed

  (Earlier case ERU not thinking at all in a sense).

  ERU it all comes out
  I stays in and gets creepy

Philosophy: Stay out of hospital. Find strengths and work from strengths.
  This profile (real one) has few strengths to build on.
  Maybe a few months in hospital to work things out and explore his
    crazy thoughts.

IRA adolescent trauma of "what am I going to be" - but not nuts    
  IRA may perseverate thoughts - can't get out of it.
  Another person can easily broaden them.
  Can train an R in F skills

  But hard to train an F when his F skills are scaring him to death,