![]() | PAS Seminar Session 2 - Combining Two Dimensions on the Primitive Level Part 2 |
pasc2-01-2 Shy is I-U in general. Can have gregarious E's who are U and shy (uncomfortable) I-A Shy is I shyness - cannot open up. Or afraid put foot in mouth, U. I-A A is pursued, I wants privacy. Can learn to be less I. Learn more achievement behavior. Or use A to make people think you are more involved than you are. Likely to be an R way of doing it. I-U achievement - intellectual being I. IU behavior is solitary behavior as long as someone takes care of needs and my few attention needs. E-A Happy socially interactive mix. E-U wants transaction with other people but don't get it. E-U learns achievement faster than an IU. Small children IU needs are taken care of which comes pretty easy. For an E have to learn early. R-A Learned imitative socially active behavior but does this without a lot of understanding. Don't shift off track well. Rigid application of social roles R-U achiever who learns procedures easily, tolerance for rote learning "show me what to do and I'll do it". Good workers, organized. Tolerance for narrow range of tasks for a long period of time. Socially unreactive and not understand why people are upset with them. IRU not recognize social gaff but not care ERU not recognize social gaff but complains and does not like it "why doesn't he let me do that?" F-A learned social skills by trial and error. Skillful and social behavior and understand implications of behavior socially attractive and engaging EFA overly interactive But FA gets easily bored with people - processes a lot of people through their life space. IRU and ERU won't understand this. Gittinger says F fickle - FA especially likely to be seen as fickle nd get away with it. FU people won't like and will be called fickle. But in reality FA is more likely to be more fickle. F-U achievement imaginative/creative. Will understand that others are not paying attention. ERU does not understand why people don't pay attention to and asks questions EFU does understand they don't like me but won't ask because he knows that won't go well. Harder to embarrass FU than RU (bull in China shop) FU achievement is often human services. Intuitive skills used to achieve. Especially EFU - modal helping behavior. Two dimensional choices notes in dimcomb.htm model child:EFA gets bored too easily. RA is model child, especially ERA IRU well behaved, quiet and achieved. Modal is R - imitated a model. IA(almost always R) can be schizoid