PAS Seminar Session 4 - Basic Adjustments Part 1 -Social Dimensin |
pasc4new-a Compensation on A/U dimension. Compensation is Picture Completion task Pictures almost all involve people or things people use. Social stimulus material - look for social que. PA involves social cue's we would expect that someone who does well on one to do well on PC. Not so. Just like Digits and Arithmetic. Look at U first - low PA If does poorly on PC - no gain of skill - Uu High PC for low PA - someone has learned something about social cue's High PA - A - well on PC - what we expect so Au Low PC - on PA had some knowledge of social cues, why poorly on PC? Socially reactive, socially facile person - interested in being an achiever. Knows what social roles to play - not paying attention to cues that tell him what roles to play - won't be so socially attractive and let me alone to achieve. Narrowing social reactivity - chooses (or is pushed) not to pay attention "If I don't know what they want, then I don't have to do it". 8:37 2/24/20 Look at four basic adjustments Au, Ac, Uu, Uc Au socially reactive, versatile, skillful at doing what others expect. When thwarted at being socially appropriate (e.g. I don't have the right clothes to wear). If has to go, may do best can and pull it off. Or rarely go and hide in corner. Interaction based on social stimulus value of other people Cannot always live up to the expectations People can be envious of Au - gets so much and works so little Au not always pleasant - if situation calls for nasty will be nasty. If an Ru can be a tyrant. Uu Uncompensated - lived with over years - some comfort Early on became an achiever - lack of pressure to become socially smooth An adjustment without social anxiety. Can "seem like A" because can be comfortable in social situations. Prim U learns to get attention by achieving and then happy with that. And "this is the way I am" If find a situation where they will be uncomfortable - don't go. You won't get me in a situation where I feel like a monkey. Hang with people who like what I do - not what I look like Afraid of being made a monkey of - but been a U so long smart enough to avoid it. Ac Not paying attention to my social slickness or other's demand that I be socially slick. Down play (Au can "glitter" - stand out) social. Ac poo-poos that. e.g. wear "working clothes" but in an A good looking way More concerned with what you do more than where you come from Do it with flavor or A. They look good in terms of achiever. Determined achiever in which social appropriateness comes through. Ac+ - not only ignore that you look lovely, may say "Where did you get that rag." Go out of way to get in the way of social flow of things. Uc - For prim U to be socially successful - has become achiever. What motivates Uc to acquire sense of social cues - cognizant of and aware of social effects (Uu does not). Uc - true I'm an achiever, but that social stuff matters so I will learn it - I don' want to look like a fool. High PC because I want to know when I will be comfortable in a situation and don't want to open my mouth when I don't know. Uc protects me from being embarrassed when I don't want to be. Uu does not care. Uc calls friend and asks what to wear and may sit in back and keep quiet. Will "show off" A skills. Conversation U will show through talking about area of accomplishment. Want people to know their titles. Understands cues that allow him be comfortable in interactions