![]() | PAS Seminar Session 4 - Basic Adjustments Part 4 - Exercises of Basic Combinations |
pasc4new-e Basic level exercise Determined Extrovert Ic determined - what I am supposed to be, intense Insensitive Ru Social versatility Au Can be pedantic Ec (could be Fc in the sense of focused on one thing) Detached - Uu, Iu Uu - not social, comfortable there. Uu is not a loner, here are my achievements - like them or leave or I'll leave. Iu - very comfortable in internal landscape - can be in middle of people and be detached (not involved) Moralistic Rc - prim R focused - goes by rules - Rc learned rule be nice to people. Be nice made into a rule = moralistic. Ru spouts off value system as absolute but doesn't have quality of caring. Can be cruel - Fc, Ac, Ru Ru trips over people but does not notice. Cruel but not sadistic. Fc has sadistic. Ac anti-social - "bunch of foolishness" to someone who spent 3 weeks picking out party dress Blunt Ac, Uu Uu makes no pretenses - you take me the way I am Spontaneously interested in the world - Eu E child into everything Socially anxious - Uc - most anxious of 4 (Au, Ac, Uu, Uc) Can be negativistic - Ac, (in some circumstance Fc) Can be compulsive - Fc, (Not Ru - perseverative), Ec (intellectually) "Socially Correct" Uc Easily confused - Fu - lots of input, Ru - not enough in to understand what just happened - bewildered) Sometimes offensive - Ac, Ru, Fc (Uu usually not offensive) Logic tight compartments Ru (not I - step by step logic is R thing) Iu Fu won't have logic. Iu lots of thinking, but the procedural dimension gives style of thinking. Attached to nurturing people - Iu Relativistic - Fu (not Fc), could argue Rc but Rc is linearly broad Both have F perspective Naively prejudice -- Ru Demands competence - Ru, Fc, Ac, Ec Ru - from logic tight but not really demanding Rc - has learned you cannot demand - have to find a way to do better outline Fc - will demand whatever want Ac - rejects being "cute" to get things- demands someone who an do job (Ac most of these) Ec - doesn't want someone who flits around - I want someone who has something between the ears Notice Fc, Ac, Ec compensated - reacting against something want something replaced Preoccupied with Complexity - Ec (Intellectual complexity), Rc prim R is linear/focused, so Rc understands world has more than one dimension and likes this. Rc loves Rube Goldberg machine. Some people just always choose most complex way are Rc Self - discipline - any "c" Good organizer - Rc (Ru too focused to be practical), Fc - if a choice choose an Rc. Fc is going to be reacting against F qualities. Rc use R organizing with F approach. (Note: when see Fc can speculate with confidence that something happened growing up to cover up things our culture prizes compassion etc. "has been burned") Responsible to and for others - Rc(in sense of moralistic), but in sense of an ideal - Ic tend to have the ideal of taking care of others. Ec responsible to or for small group - working against E expansiveness. Rationalize interests to others - Ec moving against involving self with others so needs to justify need for people. Ic doesn't need to be with people so moves to be responsible.