PAS Seminar
Sessions 6 and 7 - Surface Part 3

Social Dimension Surface

Primitive PA
Basic PC
Surface OA

In other dimensions, surface modifies the primitive. 
In social, surface modifies the basic adjustment. 

Au expect A to do well on PC - Ac does bad on Ac - has blinded to cues

High OA is always u, low OA is c (modified)
OA a unique test - not a whole lot going on. Put out pieces and have
  lines on some.
  And a lot of time to do it.

  Third one is not identifiable from the pieces.

  Most of the credits are time bonuses.
  If subject looks up while having trouble, sees examiner just there holding
  the stopwatch with no feedback. So does subject get anxious?
  How do I feel about this person with a stopwatch looking at me?
  People not bothered by a person being there does better.

  Both Rs and Fs can do them - although differently. Logical step by step
    or trial and error. But first test where the examiner has an intrinsic

Auu - a high OA
Auc - u`low OA

Acu - u\   high OA
Acc - a° low OA

Au - socially reactive, attractive, skillful and socially dependent
     get attention by playing social role.
     Au has exploited that.

Auu - no social anxiety;
    Au behavior gang busters. No social breaks. Social chameleon.
      All form and no substance. Hollywood set.
    No achievement orientation in this dimension. Can be slick as a whistle.
      Whether con artist or not depends on other dimensions.
      e.g. Ic idealist not likely to be con man.
Auc - an Auu with brakes on.
    Gets attention by being socially versatile
    but some social tension. So not exploitive.
    Auc has learned when to be socially appropriate but moderated

Ac is more achievement oriented and less socially active and appropriate.
  Can be hostile and negativistic. Put down conventional social behavior.
  Socially pleasant when want to be but not interested in that.

  A skill can be hard to see
  Determined achievers of the world. Less socially pleasant - have social
   skills but don't use and react against.

 Some discomfort with Ac
 starts to use social skills - but not exploitive
 Can be charming/delightful but at other times abrupt and ignore people
   Not like Acu but more like Auc
 Not like Uc because more versatile as A
 Controlled social behavior - some tension


U Uu         Uc - need to be able read social cues
                  Protective - need to read cues to know when to keep my
		  mouth shut. When to do and not to do.
		  Achievers need some kind of social skills

Uu makes no pretense of social skills
   When not worried about social - can have little anxiety
   Stick around their achievement area. Can look like A because so
   comfortable in their zone.

Uuu - u - Either so skillful in achievement or isolates.
          Rare in our culture.
	  Environmental circumstances where this is successful

Uuc - a' more common for Uu
      Learned that their are circumstances where "take me as I am" does
        not work and does not like it.