PAS Seminar
Session 8 - Interpreting DSY and the Fourth Dimension Part 1 - Activity Level

DSY Activity Level

12(Euc Rcc Auc) M

So Activity level is L+ L M H H+
Based on DSY test

Think of the test: Does not get harder as you do it like all
other subtests. May bet quicker as you go. How much can you focus on
the task. This kind of efficiency if a part of intelligence.

Does not have a high reliability. Sometimes, taking it again even not long
after can be slower.

The stimuli are just abstract numbers so favor I.

So surface IRU - M means fairly well maintained.
This is a reasonable adjustment for male and female and across NLs
If L+ - either sick or depressed, especially E - will look depressed.
  For this profile, with L+, won't see a lot of intellectual achievement.
  So activity level tells strength of surface adjustment and how well
  it is maintained.

If an H+ - a lot of energy to maintain surface.
  Lot of push to be IRU achiever - determined more than practiced.
  F qualities are not going to come through - a lot of push.
  "Manic" (not in bipolar sense).

  Prim E does not hide feelings well. Prim E with H+ will look active and
  determined. With R, focused. 

Act Level in some acts as a primitive modifying the whole profile.

12(Iuc Rcc Auc) M
Same, but Iuc, not Euc
surface: e'r° u'

With M a fair amount of energy to maintain IRU - organized and 
  focused on achievement - active achievement (e.g. sport, dancing)
  Studied external achiever.

If H+ - with Euc "manic" show of energy.
  With Iuc, might expect fanatic in the achievement activity. But not quite.
    For an I, if they are doing DSY so well, energy is in the head.
    So high DSY in I, person is being more I.
    Really true of M that it just maintains surface.

    But for H+, L+ E's react differently than I.
    E H+ more energy to do - even if intellectualized.