PAS Seminar
Session 8 - Interpreting DSY and the Fourth Dimension Part 2 - Activity Level

Activity level continued

H for an I is activity inside the head. 
In general H+ look to E or I for whether external or internal

Question: NL 16 or 17 and H. Can't say exactly where H came from.

(Note unlikely to have an H+ on an Iuc Rcc Auc)
  so if H+ likely to have been some bad thing happen.

Look at 
12(Iuc Rou Uoc)H+
 Internal,not much emotional control, ambivalent social
 a bit suspicious , quirky behavior - we observe spending a lot of
 time alone. Likelihood person is pre-paranoid?
 H+ might be an indicator that a lot is going on inside that is not evident

If an L on this profile: Say immature, not practical,a little 
  intellectual discipline. Under stress, get a lot of the Iu not e'
  Might be off in their head, could do DSY (IR), not spending a lot of energy
  Needs some help - a lot of ambivalence. 

Summary: A healthy record and have something unusual, look for a reason for it.

Especially at ends of continuum L+ and H+ look for problems.

John most uncomfortable talking about activity level.

Out of issues with H/L have come 4th dimension. Many ideas about it.

4th dimension enlarges activity level and in some ways makes it more logical.

In general E people will express things more externally - outside observer will   see more energy in E than I.

Clinical hint: For an E: H+ look manic. L+ looks depressed.
I does not show depression. 
With I, L more to do with contact with outside world.
I don't look depressed - just go into internal world - withdraws. 
  E looks moping.
Iu - might no show classic signs of depression and then goes and kills himself.