Resonsibility Cluster - Arrested Adjustments
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D. The Arrested adjustments (A+, I-, S+, C-).

The Superficial adjustments (above) are characterized by contact-level modification in these adjustments provided a superficial control over otherwise primitive emotionally and under-developed intellectually, which enables the individual to "act like" he is better trained and better controlled than he really is. If the modifications are not "nailed in," and if external controls are I removed (i.e., the individual "escapes" from his institutional or organizational en­vironment, as represented by his work­place, his military unit, his hospital, his school, or his personal leaders), he can revert to a very primitive, self serving kind of behavior. (All of which may account for the popularity of spectators sports, and their attendant anonymous, boorish behavior). The Arrested adjustments, by contrast, are characterized by basic compensation with­out follow-through modification at the contact level. As such, they provide an illustration of an important quality in Gittinger's concept of compensation. Compensation embraces two distinct dynamics, which are usually viewed as occurring together, but which can occur singularly and of the original or Primitive quality; separately (and most often sequentially) there is the acquisition of qualities associated with the opposite Primitive quality. In the Icc and Ecc adjustments, for example, these two dynamics are dramatically and consistently different from its Primitive precursor. In the Iuc and Euc adjustments, in contrast, the control or suppression of the Primitive form does not occur; but modification process superficial qualities associated with the opposite form. In the arrested adjust­ments, a third and different condition prevails: the control or suppression of the Primitive form does not occur; but modification produces superficial qualities associated with the opposite form. In the Arrested adjustments, a third and different condition prevails: the control, or suppression, or repression of the original Primitive quality occurs; but there is not adaptation or acquisition or exploitation of the opposite qualities. The Mature and Superficial adjustments have at least "gone somewhere," and, for the most part, the individual is comfortable with "where he is at." In the Arrested adjustments, the individual has stopped going in one direction; but he has failed to get moving in another. He is licked on "top dead center," resulting in inhibition, bewilderment and confusion. For the most part, emotion is blocked; when affect does occur, it is usually inappropriate, ranging from paranoid suspicion in some adaptations, through lethargic and hypo­chondriacal conditions, to manic hyperactivity and hysteric conditions in others. The "normal expressions" ofthese arrested ad­aptations and counter-productive inhibi­tions.

Among 32 possible expressions of these Arrested styles within the PAS, Gittinger describes only one in terms that suggest at least a marginally effective adjustment. This (Ecu Rcu Auu) variation still has many components of over-control, inappropriate affect and occasional fanaticism, but "there is often strong reliance on moral, ethical codes ... also strongly advocate for other ... and a studied kind of warmth. The Ecu Rcu Auu is very anxious to be appropriately emotional but ... he must defend against his 'real' feelings before he can show the appropriate ones". (PAS, p.36) All of the Arrested adjustments are in a constant struggle for self-control; the Ecu Rcu Auu apparently succeeds better than any of the others, but his adjustments is still tenuous and he is not really able to express himself.

There is one cross-cultural condition which must always be addressed whenever these Arrested profiles are encountered in operational practice. Subjects raised in a highly authrotatian, mind-control/thought control environment (such as that which prevailed in MAO's China, especially as from the late 1950's) may have will integrated, simulated Arrested profiles are encountered actually a defensive, self-controlled modification of one of the Mature adjustments, or one of the "Also ran's" (e.g. with a low Information of a low Comprehension). In other words these people may "test out" as having Arrested profiles, when they are actually and dynamically high Information, high Comprehension people who have been living a well conditioned, protective masquerade of intellectual narrowness and emotional inhibition. Behavioral data, especially in terms of professional productivity and intra-family effectiveness becomes a critically important addition to test information, alone, in such cases. Briefly, when people from these enviromnents produce Arrested profiles, but show evidence of professional productivity and and satifactory intimate relationships, they should be re-interpreted as falling in the appropriate Mature adjustment category.