Resonsibility Cluster -

Some Common and Significant Interactions
Marshall N. Heyman
PASF Journal Volume III


In psychometric terms, the dynamic quality if Gittinger's PAS model evolves from the concept ifinteraction - the recognition that the relationship between two or more scores is more important, descriptively, than the absolute strength ofany of the scores taken alone. In his basic works, Gittinger­ deals primarily with two sets of in­teractions: the descriptive triads (IRA, EFU, etc.), and the intra-dimensional development relationships (Iu, Ec, Rcc, Acu, etc.). While these serve to outline the structure of the PAS, they do not by any means define all of the threads that compose the PAS fabric. Working with just the nine variables or scores withing the three major dimensions, Gittinger generates 512 contact personalities; but psychological analysts are not in immediate danger of being replaced solely by a computer that stores and retrieves these types in catalog fashion, no matter how they are articulated. Every combination of scores or variables tells us something; and Gittinger's contact personalities are laced through by thousands of possible combinations or interactions, which augment, amplify, modify, to stand alone in the variables within the three major dimensions to yield 144 possible paired interactions, 672 possible triads, etc. While each of these conveys some kind of personality information, some of them are especially powerful carriers of data, which can serve both to amplify conventional interpretation, and as short-hand screens or filters as we move through the PAS space.

The "Responsibility Cluster": Arithmetic, Information, Similarities (A,I, S, and C).

Most analysts, in their early preoccupation with the PAS, focus on the Primitive personality; and in their indirect assessment efforts, they feel uncomfortable until they have "nailed this down," and can say with confidence that they are dealing with an "IRA" or "EFU." In practical application on the PAS, the Primitive personality tells us very little about the individual except where he is coming from, and what issues he has to resolve ifhe is to achieve a successful adjustment. More important than where he's coming from, is where he gets to. The "Responsibility Cluster," comprised of Arithmetic, Information, Similarities and Comprehension (A, I, S, and C) tells us almost everything we need to know about the extent to which the individual has matured in terms of social responsibility and acquiring the hallmarks ofcivilization, as defined by his parent society. These scores tell us how well the individual has become "civilized," re "socialized," or "responsible" from (his/her) society's point of view.

The Mature Adjustments

B. The "also ran's":

If three out offour ain't bad," it is worth seeing how individ­uallow scores affect performance within these otherwise "Mature Adjustments".

Low Arithmetic -- Dependent

Low Information -- Narrowly Focused "Tunnelers"

Low Similarities -- Lack Perspective

Low Comprehension -- Non Conforming

Other adjustments.

Superficial Adjustment

Arrested Adjustment

Immature Adjustment